for adults, families, children, and couples; In-person sessions for individual, couples, and family sessions.
Telehealth sessions
online in Dr. Molchan’s virtual office.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
examining the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behavior to support healthy changes.
Mindfulness-informed therapy
the practice of being in the present moment, with awareness and releasing judgment.
Emotional Freedom Techniques
the American Psychological Association endorses EFT interventions to treat stress and trauma. This intervention is an authorized treatment for persons with PTSD, and EFT has demonstrated benefits in treating anxiety, depression, physical pain, and insomnia. EFT engages cognitive behavioral therapy and tapping on acupressure points to resolve physical and emotional issues.
Heart-Rate-Variability Biofeedback
A stressed heart rate is more erratic, whereas a calm and grateful heart is in a state of heart coherence. Learn to change your HRV through biofeedback to improve mood, focus and to manage stress.
Mental Training for Sports
Learn tools of visualization, imagery, HRV biofeedback, self-talk, and goal setting to improve your sports performance.
Speaking Engagements
Dr. Molchan presents to schools and parent groups teaching about the link between exercise and neuroscience. In a lively and fun presentation, Deborah inspires the audience to move their body to manage their mood and improve their focus.