Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Classroom Discussion
Reading Comprehension
Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
On the first page of the book what do you notice about Sammy’s face and body position? What does Sammy’s face and body tell us about how Sammy is feeling?
Mama Llama tells Sammy biking will help her mood. Mama Llama says biking is good food for what part of our body?
Sammy and Stan learn something important about biking together. They learn biking is a great ___________ plan. What part of our body fills in this blank?
What animal is in most pages of the book but never speaks? Have you ever seen an opossum before?
What was your favorite opossum picture? Have you ever seen an opossum hang from railroad station rafters, or sit on top of a basketball ready to go into the basket?
Sammy and her opossum friend decide their body is wise. How do you know when you have been sitting for too long? How does it feel in your body? Have you ever played video games or watched TV for so long that you were crabby or refused to move?
Sammy sometimes can’t sit still and pay attention. What does Mrs. Llama Phi tell Sammy to do?
Sammy likes playing two-square, riding a bike and playing basketball. What activities or sports do you like to do?
Sammy learns Llama Locomotion is a smart brain potion. When was a time you remember moving your body and it helped you to think better or helped a low mood?
How does opossum remind us to care for our feelings? Describe what the opossum is doing in the picture with the hearts. When have you been kind to yourself?
In the picture of Sammy next to the school, what is she doing? Does it feel good when you stretch to the sky?
On the very last page of the book, what does Sammy ask? Can you share how you will move your body today?